OlatunjiAdedejiOkusanya(Tunji MIC) was born on Thursday, the 12th November, 1953 on Aroloya Street, Lagos Island in Lagos State, Nigeria to late Pa TheophilusOladipupoOkusanya and Mrs. Juliana OlayemiOkusanya. The second of their three children.
He attended Christ Church Cathedral Primary School (Faji) Broad Street, Lagos from 1961 to 1967. He then went on to secondary school at Molusi College, Ijebu-Igbo in the present Ogun State of Nigeria, under the highly disciplined Late Mr. OlatundeBalogun, the Principal from 1967 to 1971.
In his youth, he loved football and played so brilliantly he was nicknamed Thunder.
From 1972 to 1974he worked as aClerical Officer with the Lagos State Ministry of Education alongside learning the carpentary trade under his father.
He left Lagos to further his studies in England in 1974.
Based on his very good result in agricultural science in Molusi College, he enrolled for a diploma programme in agricultural engineering at the Chippenham Technical College, Wiltshire, England from 1974 – 1977.
He later re-discovered himself and on realising he was not cut out for engineering, he went to Central London College, London for a diploma in Marketing from 1977 to 1981. At the same time he was a part-time student of Business Management at the College of Distributive Trades, also in London.
On his return from the United Kingdom in 1981, he worked for a paint company in Oyingbo, Lagos for only one month. He had the great desire to be independent and do more creative things.
He left the paint company and joined his father at his Magbamowo Industrial Company, with a view to developing this carpentary company into an interior design business. With God’s intervention, he realised he could improve on the coffin-making side of Pa Okusanya’s business.
He saw the niche in the funeral business and went back to England to further develop his understanding of the funeral tradeand secrets of the professional undertaker. Over time, he also went for many short courses in the USA.
He came back and decided to ‘Nigerianise’the skills he had learned abroad. He gave it his all, passionately ensuring EVERY funeral was customized to reflect each unique needs.
In his father’s lifetime, he pioneered the modern day funeral industry in Nigeria by setting up his own company, MIC Caskets, coined from his father’s business name.
While PaaOkusanya concentrated on the casket manufacturing business, Tunji MIC later established MIC Royal Ltd, the all-in-one, comprehensive funeral service provider a concept that was then unknown in Nigeria.
He brought the contemporary funeral services business to limelight with his brand – MIC, the foremost brand in the African funeral industry. He gave his best at all times with creativity. He inspired many people to do their very best at whatever they laid their hands on.
He mentored many people, transforming their lives for good in the process by the special grace that God gave him. He was fondly referred to by many as “Master” or “Director”. He had an exceptional relationship and affection for his staff. Many of the current staff have been with the company for well over 20years.
He worshipped at St. John’s Anglican Church, Aroloya, Lagos from youth. He was a chorister and member of the Boys Brigade. He belonged to the Guild of stewards. He was also a member of many church societies including the Guild of Stewards, The Christian Progressive, Anglican Youth Fellowship and Christian Companion. He was also a patron of many youth societies which made him to be called ‘Baba Ewe’ (Father of the youth).
He loved the arts and was a good collector of art works. His office became a gallery of sortsfilled with beautiful pieces of sculpture, paintings and more. He also loved photography and often took striking images on his trips across Nigeria.
He enjoyed good music, especially Jazz and Gospel, which reflected even in his funeral business.
Sadly, this exceptional, highly creative, loving, intuitive, generous, compassionate and very kind life was cut short by the ill-fated associated airline plane crash on the 3rd October, 2013 while working on a funeral undertaking assignment. He died alongside his first son MrOlatunjiAbimbolaOkusanya (Junior) and four members of his beloved staff – ChijokeDuru, Akeem Akintude, Samson Hassan and Kingsley Amaechi.
He had looked forward to celebrating his 60thBirthday on the 12th November, 2013! That was not to be.
His aged mother, wife, children, grandchildren and entire family grieve but glorify God for his self sacrifice and service to Humanity.
Tunji MIC loved and valued people – beggars, rich, poor, those living with disabilities, statesmen, school children, the elderly, high and mighty – ALL people.
He will be missed by all.